Friday 28 October 2011

For you brides to be, some thoughts....

So take a look at the five photos below, believe it or not they're photos of the same couple all taken on the same day: Their Wedding!  Now, you might not like any of them, you might like all of them or you might have a particular favourite but there's no denying they're quite creative and if the couple showed them to you and said these were pictures of us on our wedding day at the very least it shows something of their personality, which leads me on to a few quick thoughts....

In 20 yrs time, probably the only thing you'll have to show people which will give an idea of what your wedding day was like are your photographs.  The dress will be in a box somewhere, the cake will be eaten, time might have eroded the memories but your photographs well there still be there. So DON'T SKIMP ON YOUR PHOTOGRAPHER : ) I'm amazed by the number of couples I meet who when I ask out of curiosity, 'why did you pick your photographer?' answer with 'they offered the best deal' or 'their package gave me three free mini albums'.  Great but consider you can always upgrade to a better album later but once that photo is taken....

So ask yourself do I actually like the photographs this person has taken and if not don't book them.  Yes a few pounds more might seem a lot now, but over 20, 30, 40 yrs?

Also do you actually like your photographer - as a person? Brides, your photographer is the only person who's going to be with you the WHOLE DAY so if you don't get on - you're not going to get very good photos.  Part of the skill of any good photographer is putting people at ease, so pick someone you think you could actually hang out with and have a laugh with or at least don't mind hanging around! Also you have to trust them, so that when they ask you to do something or retake a moment or stand in a particular way or say '...the light over there is perfect let's run...' you're willing to do what they ask because you know there's a reason.

And finally, give your photographer some time, now we're not being unreasonable just asking for a 'fair crack of the whip' - maybe 30 mins? Possibly 45? The more time you give, the better photos you'll get - simple. And when we say 30mins that doesn't include all the group shots.  Anyway how many married couples do you know who after the day gaze lovingly at that photo of them with Aunty Mable or Uncle Bob etc. usually it's a quick glance. The photo that's usually going to make the mantle piece, or screen saver or facebook profile is usually the one of both of you or the 'stunning one' of you on your own ha!  So, that's 30 mins at least, alone, just you as a couple, a friend to help with the dress and the photographer, anyway, trust me on the day, you'll be glad for some space, some alone time just to take it all in. 

This couple, Charlotte & Shaker, went beyond and gave me 20mins in the morning, an hour in the middle and then another 20 mins at night, but hey look at the results.  They got some great pictures in a few different styles, showing different sides of their personality and I think they look great and in 30 years time they hopefully still will... 

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Meet Ebru

Meet Ebru, she's a fantastic artist who's breaking through, amazing voice and definitely not one of these 'cookie cutter' acts that seems to fills the charts nowadays.  What I love about her sound is it's such a great blend of old and new yet in a very current way, but don't take my word for it check out her stuff  (her BMF cover is one of my favourites) here:

The photo below is one of my favourites of her not just because I took it (ha!) but because of the way it       came about and the result we got...there's just a quality to it.  I also love the randomness of it all her all dressed up but in a laundrette on a washing machine, it's that whole thing of style meets everyday, but then again that's Ebru! (To find out more info about her and where she's performing go here:

Monday 24 October 2011

Anna, Ethan & The Duckies

So Autumn is here (I'm always paranoid I've spelt that wrong!) and I love the colours at this time of year.  It's also great because October is the month Ethan was born and now he's one - hasn't time flown? Now he's growing up we can get do al those 'parenty' things and one of those things is taking your kids to feed the ducks haha.  So last Saturday we grabbed some bread and headed down to Hyde Park.  The light was beautiful and I love being able to capture some pics of my two favourite people: and I gotta say - Anna is definitely a 'yummy mummy' but then again I'm biased.  Ethan loved it and it's amazing how becoming a parent helps you definitely appreciate those simple things a whole lot more...even a stroll in the park!